Monthly Archives: September 2022

5 things you should say to someone who is feeling stressed

By |September 29th, 2022|Categories: Stress & Anxiety|Tags: , , , |

A stressed person often doesn’t seem to deserve good words or encouragement, but that is when they need it the most. Instead of taking part in the show (reacting to the other’s stress reactions), you can help the stressed person with your encouraging and gentle words. Here are 5 [...]

Don’t waste your energy caring about what others think of you – that energy is best used on yourself

By |September 2nd, 2022|Categories: Self-knowledge & Dreams|

When you meet a new person, within the blink of an eye, and often unconsciously, they create a mental image of you. People may have strong images of you, even if you may have never met them. Mental images may arise on social media or through other peoples’ stories. [...]