Monthly Archives: August 2021

The strong and the outgoing person also needs to be praised and thanked – encourage the brave ones too!

By |August 27th, 2021|Categories: Self-knowledge & Dreams|

I was marveling at this person who had created such amazing things, accomplished so much in her life. She was so talented! She must feel so satisfied with herself, I thought. She would not need my praise. And yet, this successful person might be looking in the mirror at [...]

7 things you should not do when you’re tired

By |August 6th, 2021|Categories: Self-knowledge & Dreams, Stress & Anxiety|

When you’re tired, don’t start assessing situations. When you’re tired, don’t make important decisions. When you are tired, do not  physically exert yourself. When you’re tired, don’t judge your own abilities or give  yourself feedback. When you’re tired, don’t trust your feelings. When you’re tired, don’t have important conversations. When [...]