Monthly Archives: July 2021

There is no way to fulfill all the expectations demanded of you – Be merciful to yourself and have strong boundaries

By |July 29th, 2021|Categories: Self-knowledge & Dreams|

Tone your muscles! Take a vacation! Relax at home! Learn a new language! Learn how to train your brain! Be efficient! Rest! Eat healthier! Bake the best merengue! Lose weight! Run! Do yoga! Jump and someone will tell you to jump higher! The media and ads will tell you [...]

Your child doesn’t know that you’re angry because you are in a hurry, they will think you’re angry at them

By |July 9th, 2021|Categories: Kids & Parenting, Stress & Anxiety|Tags: , , , |

I've worked very hard to be able to have peaceful mornings with my children. I hate having to rush the kids to get dressed and then rush to daycare. I realized something during one of these precious peaceful mornings. Something that made my heart sink. Me and my two-year-old [...]

What to do when you’re stressed, anxious or busy?

By |July 5th, 2021|Categories: Stress & Anxiety|

Try this three-minute exercise, guaranteed to relieve your symptoms We've all been pulled into that tugging, nagging feeling in our body. An internal twist of the organs, telling you something isn't quite right. We've all overanalyzed, losing our focus and concentration in the never-ending thought loop. If we find ourselves [...]