Dear me,
I have travelled a long way to be here. I’ve encountered storms, obstacles, joy, even love during these travels. Every experience has brought me here, to now. Sometimes my journey has taken me through muddy waters, sometimes I’ve been sidetracked, lost even. In hindsight it may seem like I could have handled some situations with more wisdom, but I am confident in the fact that I have done my best in each situation. I have always used the best of my knowledge, skills, experience, and judgement. I couldn’t have done any better.

So here I am, carrying all my experiences with me. Standing here, I have an opportunity to exam my past as a learning path. This is where I am, this is who I am. Standing here, I have an opportunity to exam my possibilities going forward. Everything I choose to do today, impacts my future. Tomorrow I get to make new choices yet again. It’s never too late to start something new. Standing here, right now, is the best time to reflect on my life and be on my side, encourage me on my way.

When I’m on my side, I’m on the side of life. I respect the life in me that learns, observes, and feels. This is my only life in this body; therefore, I must be my number one priority. I matter the most. Without me, on my side, I wouldn’t get to experience the things that life presents to me. The sunrise, the frostbite, the heart ache, the midsummer swim. Every life experience flows through me, and I am grateful to myself for every moment I choose to fully feel with all my senses. I am thankful.

I deserve all the good in this world, therefore I choose to open my heart to all the good in this world.

Forever yours,


Photo by Anastasia Shurava from Pexel (IG @anastasia.shuraeva)